Music Theory

Music theory  is a set of guidelines to assist us understand the various ways  of expressing emotions with sounds and rhythms of music. You can more accurately express your thoughts, ideas and emotions with music if you know more about theory.

Music theory can help in the following :

 As a Musician and a Composer : Learning to read notation will help the composer to be able to write down his ideas with the correct rhythms and pitches. The knowledge of music theory will enable him to have more ideas when he is writing his own music  and also how to expand on those ideas. A composer will be able to come up with his own style after studying the works of other composers. A musician who has a deep insight in music theory is able to make beautiful sounding chord progressions and are capable of filling in the different parts of a song. He is able to know what notes to use when he plays a melody over a chord progression. For the performer, with a strong foundation in music theory, he is able to understand the structure of all the pieces of music he performs.This will affect how he interprets  those pieces of music and he can become a better performer. There will be more options if the musician has knowledge of music theory, in areas like teaching music, arranging music and improvisation.

As a Listener

If you know theory, when you listen to a piece of music,the listening experience is enhanced because you understand what you are hearing. You tend to pay more attention and appreciate the music as you have the ability to comprehend the structure and meaning of the piece of music.

Subjects taught in Music Theory include notation, scales, chords, musical forms,phrases and melody.

Call us at  012-2408162  /  03- 40221027 / 40211072  for more information about lessons.


MUSIC SCALES         Bass Clef IMAGE       Chord Roots and Chord Inversion image