Adult Keyboard Lessons

The age when a student begins keyboard lessons will ultimately depends on the individual student. Some children are ready to start their lessons from between 5-6 years of age while others prefer to start when they are older. There are many adults taking keyboard lessons with a view to playing in the church service or even for fun.It is never too late for anyone to take up music classes as it is something that can stay with you for a lifetime.

The keyboard is a great starter instrument for young children. A Keyboard is portable and less expensive than a piano. It comes in handy when there is limited space in the house or room.The keyboard has touch sensitive keys and the volume will respond according to the amount of pressure applied to the keys.


During the keyboard classes , the student learn to read music notes, bass and treble clefs  and also  become familiar with the keys on    the keyboard. With frequent practice, the student will be able to read the music notes on sight.Rhythm is a collection of words, sounds  or musical notes  which are used in poetry, dancing and in music. The student needs to learn about time signature which is written as  two numbers. The time signature can be found at the beginning of a piece of music, to the right of the bass and treble clefs. The  student will start learning some easy, basic pieces of music which do not need a lot of technique. Both hands play the melody or they  can learn to use basic chords which is suitable with the melody. As the student becomes more confident , she can attempt more difficult  pieces or even pieces of music she enjoys.

.  During the lessons, the student will be introduced to improvisation, arrangement, chords and to a wide range of songs with different        musical styles. Other subjects include music notation, Melody-line and a large range of rhythmic styles. Older students like to play pop    songs on the keyboard as this instrument has many different keyboard sounds.This style of music emphasises on the use of chord        figures and melody which creates catchy tunes.

Call us at  012-2408162  /  03- 40221027 / 40211072  for  a FREE TRIAL CLASS.

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