Adult Guitar Lessons

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Adult Guitar Lesson


Once the student has a guitar, he needs to learn how to hold the guitar in a position which is comfortable but will allow him to play efficiently without hindrances. The position will enable him to move his left hand up and down the neck of the guitar easily. The student will be taught how to hold a pick properly and also the hand position for strumming. Finger exercises  will help to develop speed, strength and dexterity of the fingers and hands. Learning to tune your own guitar to make it sound good is a very essential concept to learn for a beginner. Next the teacher will explain the different parts of the guitar and their specific functions. The student will get to know the guitar chords suitable for a beginner and he needs to practice changing those chords in time with the music he is learning. Besides this, he will also learn  strumming patterns which will enable him to play many songs. As he advances, he will get to know many different types of music, various chords and many techniques of guitar playing such as Basic Plucking, Rhythm Accompaniment as well as Melody Playing. The student will learn some simple songs involving one or two strings before proceeding to more complex songs. Guitar scales and modes will be introduced to the student as they can be utilised as building blocks for future chords and also solos. Theory knowledge can help the student to compose songs, enable him to work with other musicians and get a deeper view of the music he is learning. Learning to sight read the music notes is also introduced to the student.


  •  Learn how to hold a guitar comfortably
  • Learn how to hold a pick and the hand position for strumming
  • Learn the names of the different parts of the guitar & their functions.
  • Learn guitar chords & strumming patterns, introduction to various styles of music.
  • Learn guitar scales as building blocks for future chords
  • Learn the names of the strings and how to tune your guitar
  • Learn finger exercises to develop speed, strength and dexterity of the fingers and hands.







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